Directors Make Movies, Great Ones Know When to End Them

Eddie Huang, former mem­ber of TED’s Fel­lows pro­gram, was kicked out of the Fel­lows group (and TED alto­geth­er), Joshua Topolsky reports:

“I just went through a whole week of peo­ple telling me what to do and where to be. It was like being at a fuck­ing Sci­en­tol­ogy sum­mer camp. It was horrible,” he told Rogan. “I gave them four or five days of my time. Thir­teen hours. Every day they have thir­teen hours of fuck­ing activ­i­ties they have mapped out for you. Some days like four­teen or fif­teen hours if you go to their after-hours events.”

Matt Alexander:

TED is absolute­ly cultish. But it’s a cult for the sus­te­nance of ben­e­fi­cial ideas. Elit­ist, moral­ly unsound, iso­lat­ed, self-congratulatory, and tone deaf? Yes. All of those. But use­ful and, in some respects, dar­ing?

Every good movie ends at the right time, while bad series would drag its ending long enough until there’s no juice left to milk.

Stages like TED are necessary platforms to share knowledge, but TED needs to stay back, invisible, neutral and politic-free in order to keep the number one destructor of ideas, of technology, of entertainment, of design, …, of mankind, at bay: ego.

One key element that is missing from TED is an “off” button, and someone who has enough guts to push it before it turns into cancer to the bodies of great ideas and self-sustaining construct that it has helped spread throughout the years.