4 April 2013
Ulysses III ulyssesapp.com

Devil’s Tear

Hear the angels sing, heard the devils weep // An alien-like outcrop of one Lembongan Beach. © Will Wiriawan. Hear the angels sing, heard the devils weep // An alien-like outcrop of one Lembongan Beach. © Will Wiriawan.

Our Hidden Utopia

We'll take great light anytime of the day One could never fathom the beauty of this world, this life, until we catch a glimpse of its true colors at sunrise and sunset each day. © Will Wiriawan
Software should empower you, not distract you. It’s a tool, and like any good tool it should feel like a part of you. Once you know how to use it, the software itself should fade into your subconscious.

Jake Savin