The Curator in Us

Fort-la-Latte by Luis Lainsa

I began to collect interesting photos on flickr with favorites, yet it outgrew me and became too big of a collection to be explored regularly.

Flickr rolled out a new feature called Gallery a while ago, so I have been masquerading as a curator-to-go for the last couple of weeks, mostly for photos off my contact’s, mostly random.

Go check out the new feature and start curating. If you’re interested at all, you can check out my galleries here. If you have some work you want me to check out, send me the link to your photostream, I might also add them to the Today’s Photo series on this blog when I see fit.

It’s a no-brainer to spot great photos, so let’s go ahead and explore, we might make it as a career one day!

PS. Pardon the lack of post; swamped out with deadlines, shooting schedules and a little personal project. More on this later. Stay tuned!