Dear Camera, Yours Truly, Apple.

© Apple

What if, suddenly the world go around, and people start to think that our camera should be capable of playing music, albeit from the memory card, or stream your iTunes from your iPods?

What if, suddenly, camera engineers finally figure out how to integrate a multi-touch full body display at the back of your camera and design a highly usable camera interface, just like your iPhones/iPod Touch, and — for god’s sake — reasonable enough to open the cookbook and let people develop apps on it — just like your iPhones/iPod Touch?

The problem is, the other side is doing such a great job at those, and have already accomplish all that, at the same time, slowly implementing highly useful camera technology and features into their cam… (oops, I mean) iPhones & iPod Touches.

That other side if of course none other than Mr. Steve Jobs & The Apple Design & Engineering team, and our side is none other than the obscure anonymous folks with no names and no faces to credit too.

In just a few months time after they first revealed their next generation, 5-megapixel, backlit sensor iPhone 4 camera system, they announced today that their next version of the iOS software 4.1 will include an HDR feature, directly built into their camera app.

Now, let’s savor this moment and allow us to think, what, in recent time that our dear Canon, Nikon, Leica, Olympus & many other imaging giants have done even so much as a built-in HDR feature? Let alone the multi-touch display thing, I’d settle for just an easy-to-use button layout & software operation interface. If they really think they can’t do it, they might as well consider making an iOS app and an iPhone/iPod Touch dock interface at the back of the camera and let us just enjoy taking pictures again.

Right now, my iPhone is practically a better camera than my EOS. I’d like to see it change.