Quikdraw for your SLR Lenses ★ | kickstarter.com |
An interesting solution to solve the lens-swapping problems, but with two caveats: price & mobility issues.
I solved the gear-swap problem with 1) limiting my number of gears to just one SLR body and three lenses, 2) getting a usable bag that enables me to hold my gear and facilitate lens- or gear- swap with one hand.
A two-holster plus belt package will set you back $170. That’s on the high range for a kickstarter project of this scope. For comparison, my Billingham ƒ1.4 costs me $250, a mere $80 extra for a great bag that holds my three lenses, one strobe, a drinking tumblr, filters, a notebook, pen & assorted accessories.
I wonder how easy it is to screw the lens in without risking lens drop.